Cement is a basic binder of concrete, which is the most consumed construction material in the world after water.
Cement factories, which operate in Turkey, manufacture according to the TS EN standards harmonized with the European (EN) standards.
Cements that are put into the market with CE trademark within the scope of TS EN Standards are produced according to the TS EN 197-1 (Cement –Section 1: General cements –Compound, properties and conformity criteria) standard.
In TS EN 197-1 standard, 27 different types of cement with 5 main types are defined by their additive types and additive amounts and strength classes.
Main cement classes:
CEM I | Portland cement |
CEM II | Portland composite cement |
CEM III | Blast furnace slag cement |
CEM IV | Pozzolanic cement |
CEM V | Composite cement |
In addition to these, there are cements not described in the TS EN 197-1 standard. These are:
TS EN 14216 | Very Low-heat cement |
TS EN 15743 | Supersulfated cement |
TS EN 14647 | Calcium aluminate cement |
TS EN 413-1 | Masonry cement |

One of the parameters that have an impact on the properties of the concrete in a constructed structure is the type of the cement used. For this reason, different cement types have different areas of application. The areas of application according to the cement types are given below.
CEM I ve CEM II type cements
- Concrete pavement
- Reinforced concrete structures and pipes
- Road paving
- High structures
- Railway sleepers
- Bridges and viaducts
- Tunnel formwork implementations
- Water reservoirs
- Prestressed concrete
- Concrete briquette
- Construction chemicals
CEM III type cements
- Shore and port constructions
- Water facilities and water flumes
- Dam constructions
- Offshore structures
- Pilings
- Tunnels and tunnel plating
- Concrete and reinforced concrete underground water pipes
- Industrial grounds under sulphate influence
- Treatment plants
CEM IV type cements
- Dam constructions
- Plaster and wall mortar
- Water flumes
- Road paving concretes
- Construction chemicals
- Treatment plants
- Mass concrete
CEM V type cements
- General purposes
- Reinforced concrete structures and pipes
- Water flumes
- Dam constructions
- Road paving concretes
- Plaster and wall mortar
- Treatment plants
Very low-heat cement
- Mass concrete implementations
Supersulfated cement
- • Ground and concrete structures under sulphate influence
Calcium aluminate cement
- Construction chemicals
- Inner sewerage coating
- Dam spillways
- Acid ponds
- Concrete structures under sulphate influence
- Chemical production factories
Masonry cement
- Wall mortar and plaster production
- Brick production
- Block production
- Stone wall construction